Languages spoken in China: Chinese.
The People's Republic of China is the largest country in East Asia. One fifth of the world's population lives here. Of these, a third live in the plains of the East. Other terms for the PRC are the outdated term Red China and Mainland China, which is mainly used in English-speaking countries.
The People's Republic of China was classified as a developing country until the 1990s, but since its partial opening after the "Cultural Revolution" it has increasingly developed into a major power. Internationally it represents the "One-China-Policy", the official recognition of which it has also enforced in the West since the beginning of the 1970s. Economically,
China is currently showing a high degree of dynamism, so that the current five-year plan already provides for curbing against possible overheating. In order to curb rapid population growth, the one-child policy is in effect, although it has been tempered in recent years. In recent decades, population growth has leveled off from over 3% to under 1%.
Climate in China
Different climatic zones; desert and steppe climate in Central Asia with extreme temperature contrasts. Continental, winter-cold climate in Manchuria.
Temperate climate in the east coast area. Subtropical and tropical climate in southern China. In autumn, frequent typhoons on the south coast. Precipitation decreases from south to north.
Translation agency for Chinese
Are you thinking of expanding your market and selling your products and services in China? Our translation company specializes in translations of any type of content from Spanish/English into Chinese… We offer technical translation services -English-Spanish, legal translations Chinese-English-Spanish, website translation Chinese-English-Spanish, or subtitle and captioning translation Chinese-English-Spanish. Our professional translators are familiar with the in and outs of the language spoken in China, and you can always be sure that your message will properly reach your users in this territory.