sworn translations

Sworn translations of contracts (English<>Spanish)

Sworn translations of contracts of any kind, whether employment or lease contracts. Our official translations are guaranteed by sworn translators registered in Spain and other countries.

English-Spanish Sworn translation of employment agreements

Unlike other types of standard official documents, such as birth or marriage certificates or criminal records, employment contracts can cover a wide range of issues and can range from half a page to several pages.

Employment contracts in English

As private documents, contracts can include annexes, personal documentation, other contracts… For all these reasons, instead of applying a minimum or standard rate, these sworn translations are charged per word of the original document.

In Spain, it is common to find employment contracts that follow the model of the Public Employment Service.

Our translation agency in Barcelona offers translation services in several languages, including English, German, Italian, Portuguese, Catalan, Dutch

Official Translations of Contracts and Agreements into Spanish