professional technical translations

Technical Translations

We manage teams of professional translators specialized in each area of knowledge. Thanks to the latest technologies applied to translation, we will create glossaries and translation memories so that your translations are as consistent and accurate as possible. Technical translations help companies to optimize processes, and employees working in other countries to have access, in their own language, to corporate manuals and protocols.

What is a technical translation?

Technical translation is a specialization that consists of translating documentation provided by technical writers. These are documents that deal with a technical field of expertise and the practical application of scientific and technological information.  

In order to offer a quality technical translation service, a translator specialized in each field of knowledge is needed. A technical translator must know how to investigate in each field of expertise, so that he/she finds the exact correspondence of each term in his/her native language. The use of computer-assisted translation tools, such as memories and terminology databases, are essential to ensure that each term and phrase are consistently translated in all documents.

What kind of technical documentation is usually translated?

  • Scientific, medical, engineering articles
  • IT product specifications
  • Patents
  • User manuals and online help
  • Documentation related to audits and quality controls.
  • Internal procedures and data sheets.

Why do technical translations are more expensive?

Rates for this type of translation are usually higher, and delivery times might be slightly longer. Rates and delivery times depend on:

  • The scientific or technical complexity of the project.
  • The number of specialist translators for each language combination.
  • The market demand for these translators.

What is technical terminology?

In technical translation, it is of the utmost importance to carefully apply a consistent terminology. Knowing how to manage the right terminology for each project is the job of a good technical translation agency.

When you order a technical translation project from us, we will ask you to send us your company’s style guidelines and industry-specific glossaries. With this information we will create databases with official terminology and translations of, for example, acronyms or abbreviations.

In the first translation projects, collecting all this terminology costs time and money. But this initial investment pays off in the long run, as translations are produced with a consistent quality, the phrases already translated can be reused and little by little it is possible to translate more quickly.

Glossaries and Terminology

We offer you the possibility of creating your own glossaries with terms specific to your field of expertise and company, so that you can control how each term is translated. In coordination with your team members, we give you the chance of carrying out a thorough quality control to verify that the terminology approved by your company is consistently applied. 

Project Managers

A project manager will create a team of technical translators specialized in each field. For projects with a large volume of words, all assigned translators will work simultaneously on the same database. Any terminological doubts raised by our translators will be immediately forwarded to you in order to find a solution. 

Specialized Technical Translation

Our qualified native translators are specialized in fields such as chemical engineering, telecommunications, electronics, environment or information technology. When the translation project is particularly complicated due to the language used and specialization, we will establish several phases of translation, review and final assessment by the client.

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