sworn translations

English-Spanish Official Translations of Medical Certificates

Have you been asked for a sworn translation of a medical certificate to start a procedure or to apply for a job in Spain? Sworn translations by a sworn translator of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs are valid for any Spanish public agency or official department.

Sworn translation of medical certificates, English<>Spanish

Medical certificates in Spain are issued on official paper stamped by the General Council of Medical Associations of Spain. The form can be bought at any tobacconist and is completed by the doctor.

When a medical certificate is issued, it must always include the full name of the doctor, his medical board number and the college where he/she is registered. It is followed by the certification of the patient’s state of health and any circumstances that may influence its worsening, according to the purpose of the certificate.

When translating this type of certificate, a problem often faced by the sworn translator is not understanding the doctor’s handwriting, so in some cases the client will be asked to transcribe its content for greater security. This part of the certificate is the most important part of the document and the translator must be sure of what he/she is translating.

Official Translator English-Spanish of Medical Certificates