Languages spoken in Qatar: Arabic.
Qatar is a state on the Persian Gulf. For centuries, the pearl trade formed the basis for economic success. Then in 1938 oil was discovered and there was a real oil boom. Hordes of guest workers arrived in the country, causing the population to increase and the number of foreigners in the country to outnumber the natives.
By nationalizing the oil companies, Qatar became the first oil-producing country in the Gulf to own one hundred percent of its reserves in 1972. Qatar has the third largest natural gas reserves in the world after Russia and Iran, accounting for 1/12 of the world's gas reserves.
Since 1998, Qatar has been home to the headquarters of U.S. forces in the Middle East and was also a command center in the U.S. war against Iraq in March 2003.
Qatar has become the news center of the Arab world. Founded in April 1996, the controversial Arabic news channel Al Jazeera is based in Qatar. At the same time, Arabsat - a network of communications satellites operated by the Arab League - provides a modern transmission medium that disseminates the broadcaster's news and information throughout the Arab world.
Although Emir Al Thani introduced freedom of the press in 1995, there is massive censorship, especially of publications critical of the system.
In 2008, Qatar launched a medium-term development program for an efficient infrastructure under the motto "Qatar National Vision 2030". At an estimated cost of 50 billion US dollars, the desert state is to be developed into one of the most modern in the world. In 2022, Qatar will host the World Cup.
Tourism in Qatar is still in its infancy. However, there are a sufficient number of international hotels of different standards and price ranges in the capital Doha. Outside, the supply is minimal. Travel within Qatar is not subject to any specific restrictions. However, in view of the ongoing tensions and events in some countries of the Middle East, the Federal Foreign Office recommends that travellers exercise restraint in public and show consideration for Qatar's religious, cultural and social traditions in their behaviour and keep away from any demonstrations or protest events.
Origin of the country’s name
The name of the Arab state comes from qatra ("drop"). The ancient name was "Katara" "كطرة" and referred to a settlement on the bank of a river.
Translation agency for Arabic
Are you thinking of expanding your market and selling your products and services in Qatar? Our translation company specializes in translations of any type of content from Spanish/English into Arabic… We offer technical translation services -English-Spanish, legal translations Arabic-English-Spanish, website translation Arabic-English-Spanish, or subtitle and captioning translation Arabic-English-Spanish. Our professional translators are familiar with the in and outs of the language spoken in Qatar, and you can always be sure that your message will properly reach your users in this territory.